Pre-approved Absences
What is covered under pre approval?
Educational and/or family travel.
College visits
All trips must have some educational or family value for the student as predetermined by the principal or unit principal.
How soon should they put it in?
Five (5) days in advance of the dates requesting off for pre approval.
When is it too late to put in?
Within the five (5) days of advanced notice.
What is not covered under this process?
Dates that fall over standardized and final exam testing.
As a parent, what do I do if this absence doesn't fall under the preapproval process?
If your pre approved trip goes beyond the five (5) allotted days, you must discuss the additional dates with your unit principal. Additional days of pre-approved absence may be approved at the discretion of the Principal/Unit Principal on a limited basis when the student is absent from school for educational purposes and has been absent less than then (10) school days during the semester.
Early Dismissals
Parents/guardians who submit an early dismissal via Dashboard will NOT have to call the school to verify the early dismissal. Those submitting written notes must still call the attendance office to verify the early dismissal. Parents and guardians can submit electronic attendance notes for full-day absences, tardies, and early dismissals through Dashboard by following THESE instructions. Students are still expected to come to the Attendance Office (Principal’s Office; C20 entrance) to fill out the proper internal forms to allow admission to class or dismissal from class. These processes are the same as in prior years.
Parents and guardians can submit electronic attendance notes for full-day absences, tardies, and early dismissals through Dashboard by following THESE instructions.
The Dashboard attendance system is the only system by which electronic notes can be submitted. Dashboard is available via the PowerSchool website or app. Parents/Guardians may write paper notes to provide to homeroom teachers or the attendance office if they desire. Emails sent to homeroom teachers or the attendance office will receive a message directing families to submit excuses using Dashboard or to write a paper note. Parents and guardians can submit electronic attendance notes for full-day absences, tardies, and early dismissals through Dashboard by following THESE instructions. The form in Dashboard will allow families to upload medical notes with their excuse to verify the absence, early dismissal, or tardy as medical. Directions for how to sign up to enable this feature are HERE.