School Counseling
Mission Statement
The mission of the Mt. Lebanon High School Counseling Department is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards for Students, the PA Department of Education Standards for Student Interpersonal Skills and Career and Education Standards, addressing the social/emotional, academic and career development of each and every student.
The Mt. Lebanon High School 9-12 counseling department continues to build the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for our children to become healthy, productive adults. With a developmental School Counseling program, school counselors collaborate with faculty, parents, administrators and the community to create an atmosphere where children’s needs are met proactively through prevention and intervention (ASCA, 2005).
Through a comprehensive School Counseling program, all students have the opportunity to recognize their significant role in the school community and learn the skills necessary to maximize their educational potential.
WORK PERMITS: Please complete this form (Leave permit number field blank) and bring to the School Counseling office with proper ID of the student applying for the permit. Student must be present to sign the actual work permit form. Permits are issued Monday through Thursday 8:00-3:30 when school is in session. Please call 412-344-2053 to make sure we are here to complete your application. Please enter through the B-9 Entrance near the Fine Arts Theater.
ALUMNI TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS: Please complete this form and return to the School Counseling Office with your payment (cash, check or money order). Please allow up to ten business days to process (especially during summer months).
EDUCATION VERIFICATIONS: Please fax your request with a signed authorization to 412-344-2028. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Please allow extra time to process during summer months.
STUDENT PERSONAL ANALYSIS: Please complete the form found here by the end of your junior year. Once completed, please "share" the Google document with your school counselor so they may use the information to write a recommendation letter for you.
Mt. Lebanon High School Profile
High School Counselors
Casey Bowles | 412-344-2066 |
Rachel D'Alessandro | 412-344-2056 |
Rachel Jackson | 412-344-2055 |
Chad Johnston | 412-344-2054 |
Maureen Kings | 412-344-2063 |
Tara Leja | 412-344-2065 |
Shelly Saba | 412-344-2059 |
Counseling Office Secretaries
Dial 412-344-2003 (option 5)